The APPA (Appreciative Participatory Planning Action) method

26 Mar

The APPA (Appreciative Participatory Planning Action) method is a way to implement Community-Based Tourism.

It was created by The Mountain Institute (a non-profit organization specialized in the conservation of mountains), NGOs and government partners.

The philosophy of the method is based on what is called the “Appreciative Inquiry”: focusing on everything that is positive such as skills, strengths, motivations, and also on the “Participatory Planning Action”: making sure the community is actively involved in every stage of the process, so that it increases the empowerment of the community.

The APPA method is applied in 4 steps, also known as the 4Ds: Discover, Dream, Design, Delivery. In the Discovery stage, a market analysis will be done in order to identify and gather all the assets. The Dream step will be the opportunity to imagine the best CBT possible. In the Design stage, viable products and activities will be created. And finally, in the Delivery stage, the project will be carried out while ensuring personal commitment and ongoing evaluation.

Une Réponse to “The APPA (Appreciative Participatory Planning Action) method”

  1. tellingkazbegi 22 Mai 2013 à 8 h 31 min #

    It is useful to have a link to such organizations as the Mountain Institute integrated directly into the blog.

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