The Puerto Hondo Community – Ecuador

25 Fév

In 1992, the community of Puerto Hondo founded the Environmental Club of Puerto Hondo helped by the Foundation Pro-Bosque. The Club promotes the last Ecuadorian mangroves which represent a threatened ecosystem close to the Cerro Blanco Reserve.

The community offers canoe tours in the mangrove commented by local guides. It also sells local food to become familiar with the local culture.

The proximity of Guayaquil and the difficulty to book tours question the sustainability of the project.

>>Visit the website here<<

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Une Réponse to “The Puerto Hondo Community – Ecuador”

  1. tellingkazbegi 22 Mai 2013 à 15 h 52 min #

    As I have written on most posts, I believe the links should be integrated into the texts.

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